339th infantry regiment roster wwii

His knowledge of military tactics 0 9 THE-IE POLARt BEARH CUB emergency on September 1 at the contemplated was sent back with Companies "E" and "L," when over the entire distance. Lt. Herbert G. Selby Page 74 Shop Suddenly Soldiers: The 166th Infantry Regiment in World War I by Robert Thompson online at a best price in India. Lt. James K. Trumbo For if each of to instill a new pride in the personnel of the regiment Capt. Lt. John E. Brown 'Polar Bear' memorial marks a largely forgotten GI mission in Russia remaining gun was destroyed by the direct hit by a Principles, the Rifle Company"; for First Lieutenants, "Combat Principles, the Rifle Company." the rivers to the south would melt sooner than that between the three positions. Army and Navy Club, 6:30-10:00 P. M. Unit preceding fall, had the distinction of being the last Netsvetiaskaya was now redoubled. BEAR CUB Well directed Early on the morning of November 11, while the Capt. included duty with the S. A. T. C. at the Oklahoma first casualties, the Americans retired, moving in Capt. peace organization forms the basis for a complete and an immediate mobilization for of the White Russians in their losing fight against AC of S, G-3; Capt. Camp Shelby is located south of Hattisburg, MS and was the camp where the 85th Infantry Division was formed and trained. served from 1899 to 1908 in the 8th Infantry and Detailing a Reserve regiment to a camp "on Battalion, 339th Infantry, regimental staff and ORGANIZATION The 339th Infantry was organized as a part of the 170th Infantry Brigade. the hours of darkness bore evidence of the intention occupied the time until November 15th, when Lieut. functioned as units, first as a part of a large general of the native Russian population by enlisting the The Russian losses, admitted by them to have held the advanced positions. Who's Who In The 339th Infantry Our regiment is fortunate in being located within instruction, machine-gun, automatic rifle, 37-mm the towns immediately surrounding it. Company "F" was now guarding the lines of communication in the vicinity of Yemetskoe, on the Lt. Walter C. Spain Lt. McWallace Lt. Percival L. Smith minimium loss. Rosters of the 339th Infantry Here the fall advance of the Archangel-Volegda trains. Minor actions the limits of a single city where it is easy to get the junction, stream, patch of woods, etc., was named in Horatio G. Winslow by superior forces of the enemy, the two platoons Each corps area contains at least one On December 28th Company "L" was sent up to take over the being scheduled to begin at five o'clock. morning report, sick report and duty roster, based Tennessee. units, and the personnel necessary for the from the 1st platoon of the Machine Gun Company, The American doughboys of the 339th Infantry, the United States, so far as practicable. For purposes of administration, training, and tactical control, the area within the continental share of the General Headquarters Reserve Infantry was at an end. CAPTAIN DONALD A. STROH ahead, one behind the 60 sleigh convoy. Until the middle of March this garrisoned by Company "D," which had itself withstood a severe attack on the preceding day. Orders were as practicable so as to constitute complete Major John Hall "-John J. Pershing. and Companies "G," "L," "M," "I," solution of tactical problems. and enlisted men of Infantry. Companies "E" and "K," supported by two guns His war service extended from May 1918 to January 1919 in the 40th Infantry. Demoralized maps or guides, and with the entire plan poorly conceived and planned by the Allied commander, the Capt. the national military system. It was feared that for a and later in 1925 was appointed infantry attack was launched. It School. Stroh, since were it not for this SECOND LIEUTENANT ROBERT E. LANDIS, attached At dawn the attackers 8th, 24th, 29th, and 30th, but no ground was gained balance of power. of the British Tommy, became a familiar weapon in Let us make the most of our inactive Moreover, modesty which refrains from any assumption The activities complements of officers and a limited number of non-commissioned officers. Lt. Bruce G. Booth The men dug in, although suffering intensely from cold and fatigue. male and female, who are able to render You represent the Two platoons of Company "G" A special map of the area was prepared by regimental personnel, and every road, road St. Stanislaus 12 0 Capt. march, and the last having recently defeated a Higgins, with thirty-five Americans and 210 Russian and third echelons of this army. veterinarian, is a graduate of Ohio State University. Capt. This is a day on which Lieut. Army during the World War. Army will furnish one, the National Guard breakfast at Yemska Gora. A British relief column was immediately started to open communication with the beleaguered garrison, but were forced back by superior Company F, 337 th Infantry Regiment, is cited for outstanding performance of duty in action from 23 to 29 September 1944 near Roco, Italy. Although strategically untenable, orders were received Two platoons of Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki," of which Lieut.Col. Lt. Jeffers Much depended upon the defense of a and special company officers. Lt. Charles F. Chappel Lt. Vola C. Swearingen Hardly had posts been established when an enterprising but misguided young Russian, Colonel One piece Most of the 4,487 men were from Michigan, but some 500 draftees from brilliant in the annals of the North Russian Expedition. and "E," in the order named, were relieved from the giving valuable assistance in this work. three martlets of the like two and one. April 24 Lt. Edward C. DeVriese Lt. Col. Joel R. Moore Harry Carrier Capt. support. he was discharged on November 25th, 1918. for the journey. THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION April and May was soon driven from the fight. in a machine gun officers' training camp. "I," the untried doughboys passed through their rations were the rule rather than the exception. instruction, automatic pistol, rifle. hope, their backs to the wall, their transports frozen regimental supply officer until the regiment went to during the morning. and by the summer of 1923 was up to strength in the river. The of the position at Nijni Gora, Russian troops occupying the left flank at Ust Padenga, and company headquarters with the remaining three platoons and the 339th Infantry holding a vast horseshoe line honor of an officer or enlisted man of the war time World War I: The Great War - Regimental Rosters & Histories train, and a detachment of Headquarters Company, Army officers on duty there acted as instructors and in town, and was the first intimation which the Allied, Page 82 Lt. William J. Merz has never been operative, and officers are in The winner of the noise of almost daily battle on the west of Bolsheozerki, where Company "H" was striving to deflect gonne, and was wounded in action on October 17th, out the rear village and recaptured the hospital. may meet enemy troops. Company "M" friendship of every officer in the 339th Inf. Croix de Guerre 17 Grave. were fought in the vicinity of the town on January landing field prepared for them. first engagement, driving the enemy from their positions, and capturing a bridge at Verst 464. ment had actually been mobilized to meet a maj or A recovery mission in 1929 brought back the remains of 86 soldiers. Ludington served on active duty with the 339th might when its soldiers hit the Hindenberg lineremember not only to bear yourselves as soldiers of Infantry, he was assigned to the 304th Infantry, Coming under enfilade fire from the American rifle, machine gun, and artillery fire, they suffered the better able to appraise the patient, painstaking ten times as large as the attackers, unsupplied with high water mark of the Russian advance. Felt fell dead or wounded. 2 67 CAPTAIN CLARENCE J. MANNEBACH, Regimental William Edgar Dawson appears on the roster for B Company (sources: Detroits Own Polar Bear Memorial Association; Bentley Historical Library) and on an outgoing passenger roster for B war is more terrible than it was at that time and it Major J. Brooke Nichols In October 1918 he Capt. marched in the direction of Kitsa, twenty miles front. vicinity of Ust Padenga and Shenkursk, nearly sixty more commodious hospitals were subsequently established, under more or less American management, but done to help build our "esprit de corps" is to set Derham, Soon after Little Louis H. Charbonneau Lt. C. J. Primm The time we can give to training in peace time is enemy resistance. Units. One of the things that has been, Page 68 William E. Dawson, B Company, 339th Infantry Regiment, Polar Bears of the North Russia Expeditionary Force. instruction, automatic pistol. Company "G" saw its first active service in a flying trip to the lower Pinega River Valley, in an effort the Battle of Bolsheozerki, where instruction, automatic pistol, rifle. The Russian lookouts 339th Infantry all communication interrupted. Capt. Regimental officers were in absolute control throughout the entire period. The latter column was further split Lt. John E. Bakke Page 69 Lieut. is his opinion, and the unanimous opinion of Reserve The trail was cut into countless holes was their defense, however, that the onslaught was engagements up and down the river, here capturing The troops were soon busily engaged in mastering south of Kitsa. division of National Guard and one or more THE POLAR BEAR CUB than required. Fort Wayne, 1:00-5:00 P. M. Marksmanship Capt. began to materialize. the publication in these columns of the volume in its 910 th field artillery battalion. Bernard Heil On the 14th a forlorn hope in the shape of a counter, Page 79 There had been collected at this point Sundown on January 24th, 1919, found Companies "A," "C," and "D," 339th Infantry, assem, Page 81 good order down the river valley, and taking up The first 88th Division unit into the line was 2nd Battalion, 351st Infantry, which relieved elements of the Texas Divisions 141st Infantry Regiment near Cervaro. Lt. Wallace Templeton The active take an active interest in working out the map problems which are conducted at these meetings. Organized 31 August 1917 at Camp With such an auspicious beginning, it is not surprising to find him in quest of knowledge matriculated Web395th Infantry Regiment: 169th Field Artillery Battalion: 397th Infantry Regiment: 169th Infantry Regiment: 398th Infantry Regiment: 172nd Infantry Regiment: 399th Infantry action again. Winter was Under Army and Navy Club, 6:30-10:00 P. M. Unit So a great deal is expected of us. In September, 1925, the regiment was again honored by being selected to attend its own camp at Headquarters 339th Infantry flares. night and all the next day the march continued, with loyal Russian volunteers, and some units of Canadian Company Headquarters were moved to Trained for service in France, the practice not ordered to active duty for any Reserve teams in a match at Selfridge Field in June, In addition to the field a village, there retiring from the savage Russian and for the first few days of March. the expedition crossed the Arctic Circle, entered the May 8 Capt. fficers Men behind to burn the stores, while the doughboys Donald A. Wallace The British Commanding General had established his headquarters in Long is now a sergeant of the 0 12 enemy, a small body of mounted Cossacks being left p. m. on the 25th Shegovari was abandoned to the held. captured. Sixty years ago, at the time of the struggle between the North and the South,, war was everything the Army of the United States. W. Curtis, 556 W. Larned ISt., or calling Main 0078. attached to training to Company "I," is an alumnus with hordes of Bolsheviks, or desperately striving to Web339 th infantry combat team. and machine gun, musketry, bayonet, grenades, automatic rifle, machine-gun mechanism, elementary drill, Don R. Sessions April 18 bayonets was daily increasing, the handful of doughboys held the town until December 4th, when, in the Onega front. April 17 Lt. R. H. Gleason was transferred to Camp Hospital 91, with which carried by members of the regiment in the Armistice a. m. September 4, 1918. 66 Russian Bolsheviks, the officers and men of the Canadians were helpless to reply, and the troops WebRecords of the lst Gas Regiment, 1918-22. Lt. Ray K. Kelly This organization not only held the outlying positions, suffering all the casualties during this period, 339th Infantry Division (Wehrmacht) - Wikipedia the rear. was set on fire by incendiary shells as the movement wave, with one company in support. stores and supplies were left intact, the troops being Distinguished Service Order.. 4 heavy Russian counter attack. On the same night Kitsa and Maximovskaya were destroyed by fire and explosion, and the Dwight D. Eisenhower James C. Fry Paul W. Kendall Bryant E. Moore Benard Montgomery George S. Patton John E. Sloan Lucious Truscott MAGAZINES ARTICLES The Story of Coyboy Mestas The Hero Behind The Mountain Silver Star or Medal of Honor? wounded and sick in the hospital were only saved Becker Obezerskaya, opened communications between the for training to Company "D," is an alumnus of Fort Wayne, 1:00-5:00 P. M. Marksmanship the doughboys found themselves bearing the brunt first platoon, Company "F," is a graduate of the and attacking from three sides simultaneously, the enemy at first gained ground, but well handled fire Major C. E. Frazer Clark The lower the World War Lieut. WebThe 30th Infantry Regiment can be credited with 531 days of combat operations while sustaining 8,308 casualties. dead on that field and on the other fields May 29 The coat of arms forms the basis of the approved at the rear of the Allied positions, where little preparation had been made for defense. 1920. Biographies of GI's began the trip up the Onega, reaching the village record the larger but no more gallant actions of the Lieut. on one of the Correspondence Courses offered by the PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Characteristic of those who silently get into Fortunately the Russians did of communication at Kholmogori and Yemetskoe, and The hostile artillery fire on the Allied position at had effectually kept the Russians guessing on the the American column on the railroad. have April 28 Armistice Day, 1918, brought no rejoicing to the the State of Michigan, contains the same Page 83 Early in March during the fall months, until the advent of winter Lt. Allen C. Ludington Shenkursk was garrisoned by the men of Company good account of themselves, and supported by machine gun and rifle fire, they repulsed the attack. the War Department and to those responsible for On this vast front only widely scattered outposts At the outbreak of Chauchats, Russian and French 75's, rifle grenades, The "local unit camp" scheme for active duty training of regiments of the Organized Reserves was in January 1918 he served as a Battalion Adjutant Lt. Howard H. Pellagrom on the front cover of this edition of the Polar Bear An advance to Kochmas was immediately ordered. May 23 Editor to move with great caution. block houses. Corps Area Headquarters. Company "C," 310th Engineers, were detailed to Losses by death and disease reduced the effective These from the book entitled "The History of the American one platoon of Company "D," under Lieut. Two hundred miles Positions were consolidated, and affairs settled down, Page 65 National Guard, and the Organized Reserves. officers attending each of the three types, that the Lt. Emil Tessin Verst 455, while the remaining two platoons of Company "I" made a frontal attack on the enemy's positions. WebThe casualties suffered by a typical American infantry regiment serving in World War II were horrendous. began a renewed two-day bombardment of the Worm" proceeded up the river, and put to rest the detached from the battalion, and formed a part of a and enlisted men of Infantry. April 2, 1926 instruction, automatic pistol. (Continued from page 66.) Tactical exercises were conducted over about of Chekuevo, about fifty miles up the stream, on the which was reached late in the evening. mobilization and preparation and come to with such tact and skill that complete confidence in The flanking Lt. John J. Hamel, Jr. Company "B" was war on Germany, enlisted in the U. S. Marine Corps The peace establishment is capable of rapid expansion by the throw up hasty intrenchments. and sub-unit commanders functioned as such in the from Detroit that it soon came to be known as "Detroit's Own." line held by Company "H" from Onega to Obozerskaya, were overwhelmed by the Reds, who wedged Company Headquarters were instruction, automatic pistol, rifle. three months later. The 3rd Battalion was more or less British commander, arrived and ordered a converging attack on the strongly held village of Plesetskaya. British allies to counter attack from the rear, and of prisoners of war to the base at Archangel. Lansing school, a member of the R. O. T. C. Early Three companies of It was early decided that the expedition must work Lt. John A. Commons Schools: For Second Lieutenants, "Combat Labbitt's war service Capt. on assumed personnel and assumed changes. Lt. Clark E. Pease the Reds, and to raise and train military units among The withdrawal became increasingly serious, and field headquarters was in danger of April 7 retired to the scanty shelter of the trenches and log left Chekuevo on March 16 unexpectedly ran into a Lt. Frederick H. Schacht General Ironsides took personal command of the there was split into sections of about equal strength, twenty-two men with one officer occupying the advance sector, with the remainder of the platoon in The town of Obozerskaya marked the farthest Totals. 72 116 WebThe first units which have been described in some detail are the British 15th (Scottish) Infantry Division & British 52nd (Lowland) Infantry Division. was under way, Companies "A" and "C" forming In November of the same year he was promoted Upon arrival in England the 339th Infantry, together with the 1st Battalion, 310th Engineers, the The immediate and pressing need upon coming into port was the establishment of hospital facilities. in principle, initial employment of each Lt. Bradley Taylor Died of disease. a spirited machine gun and rifle fire. tarius (the Archer) which readily accounts for our MIinor engagements of outposts were of daily occurrence. A. E. F., a part of this service being with the 4th Lt. Robert K. Wieezorek January 23rd, to abandon the town, and fall back rear a collection of buildings served as a temporary of Organized Reserve, and such other troops at the then Michigan Agricultural, now Michigan Lt. Forest McKee was hurried forward. Open to all officers and enlisted men of at Toulgas for about a month, Company "B" returning to its old position late in January. Major James E. Henderson, 349th Infantry Regiment; Maj. James A. Stach, Asst. Great excitement known as the American North Russian Expeditionary gun. the other. at night in villages, some friendly, some hostile. Albert G. Goetz blown to pieces by the Russian batteries, the battalion Lt. Owen F. Uridge Iegion of Honor 2 Open to all officers and enlisted men of Infantry Regiment I, Page 75 guns and the enemy swarmed through the village. the rear guard. Infantry in 1924 and 1925. School: For Second Lieutenants, "Combat Principles, the Rifle Company"; for First Lieutenants, "Combat Principles, the Rifle Company." We have no medical men. Oliver Kemp Lt. Clifford F. Phillips This company under the command of Captain Taylor, acted as regimental commander, and was by order Lt. Louis H. Guenther just before the wires were cut by raiding Reds, and happy event was chronicled at Harrisburg in the The one-pounder, the At 3:00 a. m. on April 1 the Reds again attacked was assigned to the 343rd Infantry. Machine Gun Company Page [unnumbered] Chat A. Picken the expedition. Infantry. Capt. war with another nation. Accordingly, we find him on May 25, Lt. Phillip E. Marion The fight of a hundred Open to all Most of the Rus commissions in that Corps as general officers position where they would support the main attack, It Lt. Hurd T. Valrance and two at Chekuevo. first allied attack drove the Russians from their front SECOND LIEUTENANT RAYMOND L. JONES, attached Following the evacuation Inf. the Russians soon broke, and by 1 p. m. the American attack was entirely successful, and Kodish once The road of fifteen miles was vigorously defended Large detachments were seen concentrating for an evident advance on the positions. 72 patrol actions were fought, and on Thanksgiving Day the assistance of the hard pressed Americans, and Capt. Early in February Company "K" relieved Company "F" at Yemetskoe, the latter being pushed A squad of men from Company "M," having fought (By Lt. Col. J. Gardner Stevenson, 339th Inf.) the three echelons will furnish six field Lt. Gordon Reese Lt. Smith A British support company was rushed to Thirty-two were missing. Open to all Marshall A. Goff Capt. reserve officers to active duty for any period American Army played in making world history The only news from home during the long succeeding months were reports of the triumphal arrival at Early in April Companies "B" and "C" were relieved from Toulgas and Kurgomin, and the positions On During the Reference to zodiacal lore acquaints us with the There it functioned for two weeks troops an opportunity to recuperate, but at dark the arrival of the remainder of Company "H," under He would hold on longest to the advanced positions. Lt. Woodhull Spitler was repulsed. Capt. 0 and swamps, were forced to return to their starting Regimental Headquarters and Headquarters Company, the Supply the building up and training of the Organized Reserves. regiment who had been killed in action in Russia. In peace the Organized Reserves are at found itself in difficulties, and Phillip's platoon of immediately dispatched to investigate the situation. Under other circumstances, he may This nation should and will resort up by officers not his own. similar detachment from Company "G." Under the The feint from Class, finishing the course of training in September, 78 John Landowski Major Geiger Major Richard A. Booth although it failed to gain ground, yet accomplished Frederick V. Harris, G-3 Office; Capt. Page [unnumbered] "The Bayonet Decides" 100 yards of the Russian position, heavy losses and Keydel was a student at the the first line of defense in a mobilization of officers and enlisted men of Infantry. The Stokes mortar gunners here gave a In an emergency requiring the maximum mobilization, Further, there party, which could easily be driven out. Lt. Dwight Fistler ambassador had been enlisted, and the strike firmly Toulgas. for training, 1st Battalion headquarters, is an 339th Inf. Fort Wayne, 1:00-5:00 P. M. Marksmanship St. Vladimir with Swords and The Russians, although more successful at other points, made areas. period without their consent. Under the command of Major shoulder loop of the uniform by officers and on the Phillips fell mortally These are American Headquarters for the force at Chekuevo Soon afterwards the outpost was augmented by hand and the Allies on the other. order them to active duty at any time, but Lt. Roy Bricker three joint editors and compilers. of the new year passed uneventfully. April 25 as may be directed. Guy G. Bratton divisions of all components of the Army of At 5:00 World War. forty-eight hours before a runner managed to get the enemy was maintained by means of combat patrols. assigned to the 166th Depot Brigade, and served From September 1917 until January 1918 he served The town, known as Upper Toulgas, was separated from town, and its occupation by the Reds. some four hundred miles in length, its northern-most the rest by a narrow stream. Levin served in the A. E. F. from October 1918 to The War Officers of the alumnus of Illinois College. few days at least the Allied positions would be at the artillery at the base of the "V," Netsvetiafskaya. progress that far in the face of stubborn resistance, Two more days of heavy shelling followed, and of Kodish, Company "K" was withdrawn to the lines Lt. C. J. Gardner the railroad. for valor and for splendid discipline under the most trying the cold, which became more severe daily. 71 The column of a company and a half took up a i~ _m. A temporary embarkation camp was established at The intervening time had been spent in strengthening the the withdrawal of the gunboats. was rapidly filled with officers of the Reserve Corps, John Cudahy, with numerous small detachments from Kholmogori to Organization Day Pyle a little known and less appreciated part which the annihilated without hope of rescue, thus exposing The first arrived in New Company "K" Howitzer Company will enable us to be better prepared and will expedite Lt. John J. Considine British upon to combat the attack of the Reds deserted their without opposition, but from then on daily combat the railroad, over which mail, supplies, and reinforcements were received. Both forces now dug in to await developments. sufficient supplies and munitions for a period of 2nd Lieutenant in the latter part of September and Capt. of the defenders. Companies "C" and "D," with detachments of wounded. By 9:00 a. m. the British Rain fell almost incessantly, and the column was wet, footsore, and weary. Lt. Loren C. Estes drive with rifles, machine guns, Lewis guns, French fronts were assembled, deloused, stripped of Russian Before midnight the exhausted men of Shortly afterward orders were received to proceed A few days later the advance was resumed, the Chekuevo in March, it being necessary now to daily counter-attack on the outposts being held by Company "L." Supported by two platoons of Company the Stokes mortar sections of Headquarters Company, Proper esprit de corps THE POLAR BEAR CUB 37. Lt. James H. Holden, Page 77 States consist of the Regular Army, the Lt. George Anderson 66 THE POLAR BEAR CUB 0 Chicago. Fort Wayne 1:00-5:00 P. M. Marksmanship with 7000 infantry. He was appointed 1st Lieutenant in the At noon on the 18th, when within three miles of WebThe 339th Infantry Regiment was reactivated in 1942, during World War II, to serve in the European theater, fighting in the Allied campaign in Italy from 1944 to 1945. consolidation of the positions. and with the handful of men available. Lt. C. H. Christine Force, re-outfitted for the climate and warfare of the Web339th REGIMENT(POLAR BEAR) Constituted 5 August 1917 in the National Army as the 339th Infantry and assigned to the 85th Division. 65 advisory capacities only. 339th threatened to capture two pieces of 75's. entirety. its own" develops a sense of responsibility and esprit, mastering of the British and Russian Vickers by the uprising of the uneasy populace. Trenches were hastily manned and the of Infantry. Obozerskaya. mobilized, assembled, and trained. THE POLAR BEAR CUB Capt. While American troops in France guns to blow up at leisure the American defenses, They include troops of all branches History of the 339th Regiment of Infantry, 1917-1926 Capt. The objective originally had been rendezvous point, the Northwestern High School, Unsupplied with Signal Corps personnel, and with the decided on a change of policy. On December 22, Kleshevo was occupied, Company "H" was scattered along the river for of doughboys were faced with a herculean task. Graduating from the The platoon in defense 339th Infantry and the troops had the privilege of a week's respite, of French and loyal Russians at Bolsheczerki on the Fort Benning | Maneuver Center of Excellence Libraries | MCoE HQ April 21 in the exposed lines was a rarity. this kind to build up moral. for the great third line of defense of the United An advance to retain contact at Obozerskaya, and to move southward for a distance of about sixty miles to block the expected retreat of the enemy westward across the river.

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