kathy rumer botched

It was help that never materialized. Ask them all about their participation in this case. It was the spring of 2017 and about two weeks prior Carlie, a 34-year-old trans woman, had undergone a vaginoplasty: a surgery sometimes performed after injuries or post-cancer but most commonly associated with transition-related care. PS: To Kathy Rumer: Consider this your eviction notice. Her office accepts new patients. This years Trans Health Conference in Philly should also be a priority. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Constantly shifting insurance plans and laws governing insurers in the U.S. mean that trans people are often anxious to take on such procedures, fearing that while vetting a potential surgeon an insurance company might change its coverage rules. These patients experiences and their difficulty finding recourse arent about one doctor. According to a 2018 study, the percentage of trans people who end up regretting vaginoplasty is about 1 percent, significantly lower than your average knee surgery. Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://jezebel.com/when-surgeons-fail-their-trans-patients-1844774990. It's hard to remember, but we were starting to discuss choosing a revision date right around the end of December 2018/early 2019. Our surgeons strive for perfection, but occasionally there are complications, he says. The next morning, she called the emergency number she had been given and sent an email to Dr. Rumers office. That email to me was the last straw. Contact Us - Rumer Gender Surgery Dr. Rumer is an experienced surgeon: he has run his own practice since 2007, has been treating transgender patients since 2016, and performs up to 400 gender-affirming procedures annually, including facial feminization, breast augmentation and GRS. According to one source with knowledge of the groups discussions with the hospital, the group felt that the hospitals complication rates were much higher than other hospitals offering similar procedures. She is represented by Kristy Bruce of The Rubinstein Law Firm LLC in Hamilton, New Jersey. They graduated from PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE and is affiliated with Lankenau Medical Center, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and Delaware County Memorial Hospital. Ever hear of HIPAA? Scan this QR code to download the app now. The Butcher of Ardmore has continued for long enough. Creepy. The most common reason for regretting trans-affirming surgery, in fact, is inadequate surgical outcomes. She says she initially turned to Reddit to post about her experience with Dr. Rumer, but then trans exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) ended up sharing her post in the GenderCritical sub-reddit, a recently banned forum that had become ground zero for TERF rhetoric. We hold them accountable through organizing and direct action which you can help partake in. Any lawyers reading this??? That seems like her go-to word for every check-up: "beautiful." In July 2018, I had minor surgery right in her office to remove some granulation tissue. I'm getting gross green discharge. Even beyond trans rights, denying a patients right to free speech is reprehensible. A subreddit devoted to transgender issues pertaining to male-to-female or AMAB people. . Ive had all of this story, you know, weaponized against me, she says. I'm basically winging it and referring back to old notes as I type it, but I'm not exactly the most mentally sound at the moment. There is an open petition calling for Rumers resignation with 600+ signatures. But according to Green, of WPATH, there are no medical boards that specifically certify individual surgeons for gender-related surgeries: I badgered the surgeons to get the societies, like the plastic surgery society, to try to figure out how to make this training part of the boards examination, so you could be board certified, he says. I needed urgent help a year and a half ago. Let him know how urgent this is in volume. One of the ways we create uniform standards has to be an open exchange of ideas, says Dr. Ting, of Mt. Dr. Kathy Rumer, DO. Rumer falls short in some terrifying waysblaming the patients for their surgical complications, anger and hostility towards those who complain, lack of availability or accountability. Dr. Rumer, she adds, also understands the vulnerability of patients who desperately desire surgery in a climate of still relatively few surgeons.. This level of cruelty against a marginalized community is unbefitting of someone who performatively pretends to advocate for us. At that time, I also told her that I was bleeding almost every time I dilate for a month. In addition to performing hundreds of gender-affirming procedures each year, Dr. Rumer also directs a 1-year . I wasnt going to get any restitution on my bit, she says. Additionally, Rumers hair removal technique failed, leaving some hair growing just inside the labia, though not in the vaginal canal itself. On the trans-focused message board Susans Place, one of the only centralized repositories of reviews for surgeons, warnings against libel abound, particularly in the Facial Feminization Surgery sub-forum. They went to Dr. Rumer for bottom surgery in 2014 because the surgeon had the shortest wait time of all of the options presented by their parents insurance plan. While insurance coverage for GRS has benefited countless lives, an unintentional side effect has been what Dr. Marci Bowers, a San Francisco-based gender surgeon who has been practicing for three decades, refers to as a culture of permissiveness: As far as an insurance company goes, if the patient survived the operation, leaves the hospital in a prescribed amount of time, and doesnt die of some hideous complication or is not readmitted multiple times, she says, that is their measure of success. Providers like Dr. Rumer, she says, understand the industry and sign contracts to become preferred providers, effectively funnelling new patients into their practice based on these metrics. If it continued to hurt, her mother, a retired surgeon, could cut off the hanging skin, Dr. Rumer said. In addition to performing hundreds of gender-affirming procedures each year, Dr. Rumer also directs a 1-year . https://linktr.ee/resignrumer There is also a subreddit /r/KathyRumer, Need to radicalize a friend who thinks its possible to beat Rumer via the legal game/system? It doesnt really look like a vulva. Even other doctors, they say, will end up at least once trying to stick a finger in my urethra because its not obvious., Rose says that Dr. Rumer didnt construct a clitoral hood, leaving their clitoris completely exposed to irritation. If you have an article you like, or a worry to talk about, or you just want to vent a bit about trans life, then we're here! Heyers publication of the OSHU complaint put a serious dent in talks with the hospital, and shocked the post-op patients who had been looking to start a dialogue with the hospital. And as a defendant in malpractice suits myself, it is a very uncomfortable topic. Recently it has come to light that Rumer has been employing a right-wing legal firm (Rogers Castor) to intimidate her own patients into silence. We got you, make a .txt file and copy and paste these. Will be used in accordance with our terms of service & privacy policy. Worse yet, Lake is possibly getting kickbacks for every patient she refers to Rumer. It also alleged Dr. Rumer used pictures of another surgeons results, claiming them as her own. TALK TO A REALSELF ADVISOR. The most active members of the group left, says Danielle, including herself and a dozen others. The subpoena demanded I turn over all notes, emails, documents and research referencing Dr. Rumer or her practice. Kathy Rumer has left a trail of almost unspeakable atrocities in her wake from patients who lost sensation to patients who have had the wall between their vagina and their rectal area torn. Any association with this doctor deserves to be career ending and we need to make it a statement that anyone who aids and abets Rumer is to be heckled and shamed. Visually, if I knew I was going to be butchered to have a botched up look, I should have went to a general plastic surgeon instead of totally wasting my money for a "cosmetic" procedure when what she gave was anything but. Our sisters at Stonewall would have never accepted Rumer or her allies and neither should we. Dr. Rumers practice filed a libel suit against the anonymous owner of the website in February of this year, named in court documents as John or Jane Doe. Individual hospitals are ultimately responsible for determining who has admitting privileges to perform certain procedures within their facilities. AcheJ on Twitter: "RT @ShifterofShapes: Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex She spent two days in the intensive care unit and five days total at the hospital. So people cant really compare one surgeon to another in that context. Kathy Rumer completely botched this abdominal flap phalloplasty + vaginectomy. Call her office up, ask them why she is allowing an absolute despot like Rumer to continue to have the endorsement of WPATH. Meet Dr. Kathy Rumer, Gender Reassignment Surgeon Specialties: Dr. Rumer, a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, is a renowned transgender surgical specialist. (Like Alexis Lake, these guys are also deserving of some free publicity.) Scan this QR code to download the app now. Will This Botched Patient Back Out of Surgery? Watch! - E! Online Within the trans and medical communities, he says, Everyone is really not sure how to present that information and not sure what is going to happen when that information does get fully presented. he says. The two had spoken on Skype a few months before the surgery but . Theres still this sort of very wide variation in how the surgeons are collecting that information and then how theyre reporting it, he said in an interview last year with Jezebel. The Life and Sad Ending of Cathy Lee Crosby - YouTube This doctor is not currently accepting. A decent number of people do not use reddit and with how crippling dysphoria can be they may find themselves going to Rumer completely unaware of her history. 24 Sep 2022 19:13:22 (855) R U A LOOKER. With no central database for reviews or information of trans-related surgical providers, trans people often depend on word of mouth between friends, social media, or trans-related message boards for feedback. It's been too long. Cookie Notice People dont want to talk about complications in their marketing presentations.. She told me that it's very rare for someone to develop granulation tissue like this a year after bottom surgery. How many botched or dead patients one surgeon must have before we My symptons and complaints are WELL-DOCUMENTED in all of my emails to Dr. Rumer's office. A complaint she filed with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs resulted in no formal action. Basically two steps forward, one step back, says former WPATH president and current communications director Jamison Green of the explosion in surgical growth. It's time to take action. This means no city is safe from her reach. Shape Shifter on Twitter: "Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex reassignment Rumer has also been paying Google and advertising services top dollar to bury negative articles about her and in some cases even delete negative reviews. We may earn a commission from links on this page. If you think you can do better, why dont you just give her a vagina?. Her legal firm is Roger's Castor who represented Trump after his impeachment and this case is being brought before an anti LGBTQ Trump appointed judge. While these guidelines would improve the training quality across the country, it remains voluntary for individual hospitals and surgeons. Watch: Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif Dish on Botched - E! Online In her state, some gender affirming surgeries are covered by the states Medicaid program, but with trans healthcare a political target for the Republican party, Danielle felt some urgency to have it done quickly back in 2015. Kathy also has a long standing reputation for ghosting and victim blaming her patients whenever complications arise. (For full disclosure: I paid $100 for a surgical consultation over Skype with Dr. Rumer in late September 2017 but ultimately decided to go with another surgeon.). A few months later, she said she never said that. During this time numerous calls from Carlies mother and her OBGYN to Dr. Rumers office went unanswered, both she and her mother say. That took away my agency, changing around my story like that.. Rumer Cosmetic Surgery. Dont feel comfortable putting public pressure on Rumer and her enablers and still want to help? Joelle Trieste, PhD on Twitter: "RT @ShifterofShapes: Dr Kathy Rumer Fear of expensive and time-consuming legal challenges based on patient testimonies are not unfounded: Dr. Rumer and her legal team directed letters to me questioning the integrity of your inquiry and article, declined to answer factual questions, and eventually served me a subpoena in an attempt to gain access to my reporting notes and sources. As a result of the defendants' alleged negligence, the plaintiff suffered urethral and vaginal strictures, had clitoral scar tissue, was unable to have sexual intercourse and experienced gender dysphoria. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I've gained much of that weight since then, but it's too fucking late now. RT @ShifterofShapes: Dr Kathy Rumer is another "sex reassignment surgeon" who botched countless patients and gave many colostomy bags along with other life long complications. Top and Bottom and no butchering. Rumer left a lot of erectile tissue under my labia minora, which can be a problem, Rose says. I need a new surgeon. Dr. Kathy Rumer, DO | Cosmetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in This standard is followed by all medical centers and defined by national accrediting agencies, he says. These meetings are ongoing until a consensus is reached regarding current patient concerns, the goals of the discussion have been addressed, and plans are in place to prevent recurrence, Dr. Dugi writes in an email. Dr. Marci Bowers MD, the sitting president of WPATH: This doctor has not only been well aware of Rumer having done revisions to ex Rumer patients but has also been threatened with litigation at the hands of Rumer. It kept accruing secretions and urine and got really smelly and I was scared of the thing for like the first year, they say, until I figured out there wasnt supposed to be hair there.. According to a complaint submitted to the Pennsylvania State Medical Board and shared with Jezebel, Dr. Rumer allegedly claimed a 1 percent complication rate for fistula and stricture following urethral lengthening, one of the procedures commonly performed as part of phalloplasty, the surgery which creates a functional penis for transmasculine trans people. For more information, please see our Theres still an imbalance between the demand and the number of individuals who are trained to do these surgeries, says Dr. Loren Schechter, president-elect of the American Society of Gender Surgeons. Last time I saw her, she said she wanted to take some of my belly fat for a skin graft in my vagina, and it would take another year to heal. Incredibly unprofessional. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania case number 2:18-cv-02800-PD, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Man trapped in chocolate tank for six hours argues his claims were properly pled, Volkswagen credit company says Lackawanna County seized vehicle that rightfully belongs to it, Sinking Spring woman settles injury suit with Lancaster School of Cosmetology, Pittsburgh man involved in tractor crash settles claims with manufacturer and Lowe's, Contractor seeks judgment on pleadings in construction inspector's wrongful termination lawsuit. Rather than focusing on producing the best possible patient experience, the marketplace model encouraged these surgeons to become sales people for their own work. In 1979, Johns Hopkins stopped offering GRS for political reasons despite being one of the leading-edge American hospitals to develop the practice. Imagine trying to run your surgical clinic and instead of getting calls for consultations you instead get angry calls regarding your continued support of a transphobic doctor. Some worry about anti-transition media crusaders leveraging trans medical horror stories into political opposition against transitioning itself, since 2016 has focused exclusively on trans patients. Dr. Rumer, who has not treated the 65-year-old, added that "a botched rhinoplasty can lead to . Simpson, who was studying medicine at the time, described her new vulva: a misshaped clitoris that was off to the side and a labia that looked more like a lump than two flaps. Simpson experienced other complications as well, including hair inside her vaginal canal that the surgeon had promised to remove, as well as odd placement of her urethra.

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