example of uneven development ap human geography

Wind energy: This type of energy is generated using wind turbines that convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity. All Ive done is prompted ChatGPT as described above, and then with what ChatGPT returned, produced this post. Core areas. Answer: Linguistic imperialism refers to the dominance of one language over others, often as a result of colonialism or globalization. What are the causes of uneven development? More industrialized. 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. For example, the use of certain words or phrases can signal membership in a particular group and reinforce cultural ties. Investing in education and training is one way to improve human capital and promote economic development. Answer: Migration is often tied to political issues such as nationalism, citizenship, and border control, as governments may seek to regulate or limit migration flows. It is the transfer of products and goods between countries. Ecotourism can provide economic opportunities for these communities and help to preserve their cultural traditions. Answer: Technology can be used to address resource distribution challenges by enabling the efficient distribution of resources, such as through the use of online marketplaces or tracking systems that allow for better tracking and monitoring of resource use. g. Law of Demand What exactly does this mean? Industrialization consumer goods more affordable and available, Railroads increased circulation of goods, people, and ideas, Demand for raw materials increased, new sources acquired by steamship, Women gained economic power with opportunities in factories, Countries develop with more trade and more knowledge of economics, Development should be sustainable to prevent depletion of limited natural resources. Push factors are the reasons that people move away from a country. B) Explain two social or cultural consequences of migration, providing an example of each. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. Turns natural resource into something else (product for sale). (F) Explain the concept of a supranational organization and describe one example of such an organization. In fact, I havent even yet looked it over. That is what this whole unit is about. No points are deducted for wrong or blank answers on the exam. Uneven development can result in large health disparities. LICs typically only export one type of product, such as coffee, which can mean they become reliant on this. The images show examples of agricultural technology developed during different time periods. Answer: Two environmental consequences of population growth include increased pollution and deforestation. An example of how it can be used to manipulate political outcomes is the drawing of congressional districts in the United States, where the boundaries of districts are often manipulated to create safe seats for one party or the other. Gross National Product (GNP) Births plus deaths divided by immigration B. 1) Initiation stage - The technology is introduced in the organization. Additionally, as families become smaller due to access to birth control, family structures may become more nuclear and less extended. Cities have wealthier people and a larger middle class in China and Japan, for example. One of the stages of growth model, helping in the understanding of the role of information systems, in an organization's strategy and its maturity. when one country gives something to another country. In addition, the costs of some renewable energy technologies have decreased significantly in recent years, making them more competitive with non-renewable energy sources. Example: the literacy rate of the US is high, The value of a particular product compared to the amount of labor needed to make it. Uneven development can result in large health disparities. Industrialization. McDonald's has restaurants in over 100 countries and generates a significant portion of its revenue from international operations. Warm climates make diseases like malaria or dengue fever more common, causing sickness, and reducing the workforce, limiting economic growth. Renewable energy has several benefits over non-renewable energy sources. Answer: Climate change can impact population growth by leading to increased food and water insecurity, which can exacerbate conflicts and displacement. A country that is at a relatively early stage in the process of economic development. Students were awarded a point only if they stated both sides of the comparison. 5) Maturity stage Maturity - Perfection? Answer: One example of a policy designed to address the challenges of population growth is family planning programs, which aim to improve access to contraception and reproductive healthcare. Lets break down that statement. A way to measure the extent of sex inequality set up by the UN. It can also force people to leave a country. Economic growth is vital for understanding development as a whole. An example of a city in the Sun Belt is Phoenix, Arizona. The differences in development across the world, and how development takes place at different speeds. It is recommended that you spend approximately one-third of your time (25 minutes) on each question. The precautionary principle: This principle states that when there is a risk of serious or irreversible harm to the environment or human health, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason to postpone measures to prevent that harm. Here are some examples of countries that are often classified as LDCs: Afghanistan Bangladesh Burkina Faso Cambodia Ethiopia Haiti Malawi Nepal Sierra Leone Tajikistan Here are some examples of countries that are often classified as MDCs: Australia Canada Japan Germany United States France United Kingdom South Korea Switzerland Sweden The schemes are usually led by the local people themselves. #1-73: Read Chapter 1 (pg. The Sun Belt has historically been an attractive destination for migrants and retirees, and has also attracted businesses due to its lower labor and land costs. We can reduce uneven development by closing the development gap. (A) Define the concept of the multinational state. Are you interested to find out how wealthy your family is compared to the rest of the world? The Trans Atlantic slave trade caused uneven development as the African continent was bled of its human resources. Adventure tourism: This type of ecotourism involves participating in activities such as rafting, kayaking, and rock climbing in natural settings. Definitions for Topics 7.1-7.8. Maquiladoras are a controversial form of economic development, as they can provide jobs and economic growth in the host country, but are also accused of exploiting cheap labor and undermining local businesses. 2). For each value of d.fd . What demographic equation is used to determine natural increase? Example: USA, The percentage of a country's people who can read and write. Example: Where the US in this growth model, An economic theory that estimates the amount of adjustment needed on the exchange rate between countries in order for the exchange to be equivalent to each currency's purchasing power. What primarily separates the so-called fast world from the slow world? 2 - Antilia tower in Mumbai, the second most expensive house in the world. Answer: One example of a policy designed to address the challenges of migration is refugee resettlement programs, which provide support and resources to refugees who have been forced to flee their homes. Due to the nature of the global economy the wealthiest countries can rely on the poorest countries to provide the bulk of their primary economic activities and the semi-developed countries to provide the bulk of their secondary economic activities. Disease causes sickness (and death), meaning people cannot go to work. These factories are often located in border regions, such as the maquiladoras located in Tijuana and Ciudad Jurez, which are near the border with the United States. 3) Takeoff stage - Introduction and rapid growth (industrial revolution) of manufacturing industries, better infrastructure, financial investment, and cultural change For example, as more people consume goods and services, the production and disposal of waste can lead to increased pollution. Causes and consequences of uneven development The world has developed very differently across regions and by continent. It can show countries that may have rising economies or those which are becoming more industrialised. Economic gains can then vary, and economic growth is therefore relatively unreliable. Example: Nepal, A country that has progressed relatively far along a continuum of development. Answer: Policies or programs designed to address the challenges of political geography can include efforts to promote democratic governance, reduce corruption, and increase transparency in government. Post-Fordist production is a term used to describe the shift away from mass production and towards more flexible, customized, and knowledge-intensive forms of production. 1) Traditional society - Based on subsistence farming, fishing, forestry, and some mining The Central African Republic has a current life expectancy of 54.022. This allows for the production of customized products with short lead times, and reduces the need for large-scale production runs and mass storage of finished goods. C) Explain two environmental consequences of population growth, providing an example of each. We measure development in Geography by using development indicators. Geothermal energy: This type of energy is generated using heat from the earth's core to produce electricity or to heat and cool buildings. An example of deindustrialization is the decline of the manufacturing sector in the United States in recent decades. Chapter 1: Basic Concepts (Unit I: Geography: Its Nature and Perspective) Chapter Outline. Answer: Globalization can impact resource distribution by creating an increased demand for certain resources, leading to increased extraction and export of those resources from certain regions. This can be on an economic scale, based upon the general wealth of the country. While a nation and a state can overlap, they are not synonymous. C) Describe two economic consequences of migration, providing an example of each. Some of the physical factors that can cause uneven development are based on climate, the production of raw materials, and country placement. Examples include Yellowstone National Park in the United States, Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, and Galapagos National Park in Ecuador. A) Define the concept of resource distribution and provide one example of how the uneven distribution of a natural resource can impact economic development. Pull factors are the things that attract people to a new country. You could find that on Google or in your textbook, but what does that really mean? The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities: This principle acknowledges that countries have different levels of development and capacity and therefore have different responsibilities in addressing global environmental problems. (Round per unit costs to three decimals, but inventory balances to the dollar.). There are several key principles of sustainable development, including: Intergenerational equity: This principle refers to the idea that the needs of future generations should be considered when making decisions about the use of natural resources.

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