e1b1a in the levant

It is likely to have expanded south as the demographic events comprising the EBSP took place. E-M34 is the main Middle Eastern variety of E1b1b and is thought to have arrived with the Proto-Semitic people in the Late Copper to Early Bronze Age. Something is wrong: Where do black people come from? [25] Coosaw was of West African and Native American ancestry and carried haplogroups E2b1a-CTS2400 and A2. (2018) tested the ancient DNA from 6th century Italy and Hungary and identified one E-V13 in Collegno (Turin) who was autosomally fully Italian (not a Lombard immigrant like many other samples tested). E1b1b is black? - Eupedia View Profile View Forum Posts Advisor Join Date 18-11-09 Location . The major finding of these studies was that genetic distances (FST) among all EBSP groups are much less than the average FST among West-African and Nilo-Saharan groups, indicating a considerable level of homogeneity among EBSP groups. [29] West Africans, bearing the Benin sickle cell haplotype, may have migrated into the northern region of Iraq (69.5%), Jordan (80%), Lebanon (73%), Oman (52.1%), and Egypt (80.8%). The remains of the great Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio (1571-1610) were excavated to confirm the circumstances of his mysterious death at the age of 38. It is interesting to speculate on the possibility that this later expansion was associated with the contemporaneous development of metallurgy. CAS If you are new to genetic genealogy, please check our Introduction to phylogenetics to understand how to read a phylogenetic tree. The Bronze Age (ca. Cereal farming may therefore trace its roots (literally) to the E1b1b tribes of the Mesolithic Levant. Article Peaks among the Saho Saho . Early genetic studies of Bantu-speaking people were based on classical gene frequency data. But others are from E1b1a and E1b1b (common in Africa and other places), R1a (up to 30% in Ashkenazi men), R1b (the most common lineage in Europe), Q (Asia), I (Europe, but rare), and G (mainly Western Asia).6 The distribution of haplogroups found among the Spanish Sephardim was similar to a Jewish population in Turkey E1b1a (also known as E-M2) forms part of the E-V38 haplogroup found on the human Y chromosome - making it a paternally inherited clade. DYS271/M2/SY81, P1/PN1, P189, P293, and M291 appear to form E1b1a1*. But that percentage very certainly increased after spending several centuries in Central and Southeast Europe and assimilating Proto-Slavs and Balkanic people before invading Italy. Amorim et al. This page is not available in other languages. In this scenario, M81 could have been the lineage of Carthaginian kings, or of a particularly prolific aristocratic familiy during the Carthaginian Republic. 12-05-14, 06:53 #2. bicicleur. As of November 2016, he was the 12th richest person in the world. E-M2 is the most common haplogroup in . Am J Hum Genet 2002; 70: 11971214. M310.1 itself dates from the Late Paleolithic and could have come to Italy via Anatolia and Greece any time between the Late Glacial period and the Iron Age, including with Neolithic farmers, the Minoans, or the Etruscans. 2018). To obtain At present the most consistent explanation is that E-V13 developed from E-M78 in Central or Eastern Europe during the Neolithic period, and was assimilated by the R1a and R1b Proto-Indo-Europeans around the time that they were leaving the Pontic Steppe to invade the rest of Europe. [2] E-M329 is also frequent in Southwestern Ethiopia, especially among Omotic -speaking populations. Because the Bantu languages on the eastern route are more homogeneous than those on the western route,11 it is reasonable to speculate that later expansions occurred mainly on the eastern route. Whether these E-M78 samples came with Neolithic farmers from the Near East or were already present among Mesolithic Europeans is unclear at present. No Levantine ancestry for Ashkenazic Jews - The DNA Project Only two other haplogroups exceeded 5% of the total: BT* (xDE,KT) (7.5%) and E* (xE1b1a) (5.1%). "We must make it very clear that the paternal Israelite lineage E1B1A is the most important lineage of the Israelites but we can include the maternal haplogroups of L2 and L3. Dallas: SIL International, 2009. Haplogroup E1b1b (formerly known as E3b) represents the last major direct migration from Africa into Europe. 1973) might belong to haplogroup E-V13. Mol Biol Evol 2011; 28: 12551269. Am J Hum Genet 1999; 65: 829846. Even within Britain it is found mainly in Wales, a region known to have served as a refuge for the Romano-British population during the Anglo-Saxon invasions. The second would be the ancient Greeks, who heavily colonized southern Italy from the 9th century BCE until the Roman conquest in the 3rd century BCE. remains uncertain. [25] Ajana was of western Central African ancestry and carried haplogroup L2a1I. In . The weak point of this hypothesis is that it doesn't explain how M81 reached places like France, Britain, Greece or Turkey, nor even northern Spain. The highest frequencies of E-M123 are observed in Jordan (31% near the Dead Sea), Ethiopia (5-20%), Israel/Palestine (10-12% among the Palestinians and the Jews), among the Bedouins (8%), in Lebanon (5%), in North Africa (3-5%), Anatolia (3-6%) and southern Europe, particularly Italy (1 to 8%), in the Spanish region of Extremadura (4%), and the Balearic islands of Ibiza and Minorca (average 10%). What is surprising with E-V13 is that it is as common in R1a-dominant as in R1b-dominant countries. All modern carriers of this lineage descend from a common ancestor who lived only 1,200 years ago, and all are Ashkenazi Jews. Whether origins of M81 lie in the Carthaginian or Roman elite, its parent clades M310.1 and Z827 would have originated in the Levant, and not in Northwest Africa. Or it may have left Africa and became E1b1b after admixture with West Asians. More recently, based on over 1300 autosomal markers, Tishkoff et al13 showed that Bantu-speaking groups exhibit a considerable level of genetic similarity, a finding which is in good agreement with earlier studies mentioned above. It might be linked to the expansion of the Kura-Araxes culture from the southern Caucasus to Anatolia and Iran. Ann Hum Genet 2001; 65: 439458. Thomas MG, Parfitt T, Weiss DA et al. The increase in the rate of identification of slowly mutating NRY binary markers (ie, unique event polymorphisms (UEPs))21, 22, 23 has resulted in many studies designed to investigate the paternally mediated genetic relationships of sub-Saharan African populations. Am J Hum Genet 2004; 74: 454465. All of the groups characterised in this study speak a Niger-Congo language, except for the Anuak in south-west Ethiopia who speak a Nilo-Saharan language. The American actor and producer Nicolas Cage (born 1964),has been found to belong to haplogroup E1b1b-M84. Ann Hum Genet 2001; 65: 4362. (2022) analysed the DNA of the remains of John Corvinus and his son Christopher Corvinus, the two last members of the Hunyadi family. E-M81 is found at an average frequency of 45% in the Maghreb and Libya, with peaks at over 60% in Tunisia as well as central and southern Morocco. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Origins and history of Haplogroup E1b1b (Y-DNA) - Academia.edu New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1994. Nowadays E-M81 is the dominant paternal lineage among Northwest Africans, and particularly Tuaregs, Mountain Moroccans, Tunisians and Libyans. The polymorphic markers are six STRs (DYS19, DYS388, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392 and DYS393) and four UEPs (M191, U175, U290 and U181) characterising the E1b1a haplogroup, which is modal in most population groups within the area of the EBSP.25 The four UEPs were typed using a tetra primer ARMS PCR method37 with minor modifications. (Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades - 2012) There is no backflow of E1b1a into North Africa until Trans Saharan slavery and that's in its mutated form of E1b1a7. Analysis of diversity and rough estimates of times to the most recent common ancestors of haplogroups provide evidence of multiple expansions along eastern and western routes and a late, exclusively eastern route, expansion. like the Levant or the southern Arabian Peninsula could have served as an incubator for the early diversification of non-African uniparental haplogroup varieties like Y chromosome DE-YAP*, CF-P143* and mtDNA M and N . Montano V, Ferri G, Marcari V et al. E-M2 has several subclades, but many of these subhaplogroups are included in either E-L485 or E-U175. Underhill PA, Jin L, Lin AA et al. How many people in the world are estimated to have E1b1a DNA, a genetic Haplogroup E-M2 - Wikipedia Personally, I can't remember any study who detected E1b1a in that region during the BA or among the Natufians. Google Scholar. E1b1a and E1b1b are PN2 clade lineages. Tishkoff SA, Reed FA, Friedlaender FR et al. It was first reported in a person from the Gambia.[76]. E1b1a1a1g (YCC E1b1a8) is defined by marker U175. The discovery of two SNPs (V38 and V100) by Trombetta et al. Distribution of haplogroup E-M81 in Europe, the Middle East & North Africa. The TMRCA was estimated using an average NRY STR mutation rate of 0.00245 and generation time of 25 years. His real name is Nicolas Kim Coppola, and his paternal great-grand-father emigrated to the U.S. from the South Italian town of Bernalda in Basilicata. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Genetic and Demographic Implications of the Bantu Expansion: Insights Searching for the roots of the first free African American community, Carriers of mitochondrial DNA macrohaplogroup L3 basal lineages migrated back to Africa from Asia around 70,000 years ago, The peopling of the last Green Sahara revealed by high-coverage resequencing of trans-Saharan patrilineages. Am J Hum Genet 2003; 73: 768779. Z830, M310.1's . They established that both men belonged to haplogroup E-M34, a subclade which is thought to have reached Mediterranean Europe from the Levant during the Neolithic period. He is best remembered for being a strong defender of slavery. [25] Kuto was of western Central African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-CTS2198 and L2a1a2. CTS1096 split into three subclades around 7,500 to 7,000 years ago, a period that corresponds to the advent of the Copper Age around modern Kurdistan. Correspondence to [67] The place of origin and age is unreported. Thomas MG, Skorecki K, Ben Ami H, Parfitt T, Bradman N, Goldstein DB : Origins of old testament priests. Research Department of Genetics, The Centre for Genetic Anthropology, Evolution and Environment, University College London, London, UK, Naser Ansari Pour,Christopher A Plaster&Neil Bradman, You can also search for this author in E-M78 and E-Z827 originated respectively at 20,000 years and 24,000 years. (E1b1a) and E-M215 (E1b1b), with V38/V100 joining the two previously separated lineages E-M2 (former E1b1a) and E-M329 (former E1b1c). Pereira L, Gusmao L, Alves C et al. This origin is in line with the origins of the ancient Israelite people, from whom Jews are traditionally believed to descend from, and whose homeland was the ancient Kingdom of Israel now the modern day State of Israel, located in the Levant. What is even more surprising is that these subclades do not show any consistent geographic pattern. [69] This is the modal haplotype of STR markers that is common in carriers of E-U175. Tanya M Simms 2011, The Peopling of the Bahamas: A Phylogeographical By the time this paper was written ancient DNA data from the Levant and the Near East had surfaced. Ancient East, West and North Germanics had different Y-DNA lineages, Johnson/Johnston/Johnstone DNA Surname Project, E1b1b (Y-DNA). Since R1a-CTS1211 is not originally Germanic, it is likely that the Goths also brought a small but noticeable percentage of assimilated lineages from the Balkans, including E-V13 and J2b1 (I2a1b-CTS10228 would have come later from the East Slavic migrations from Ukraine during the Early Middle Ages, hence its absence from Italy, apart from a few coastal areas facing the Adriatic Sea). Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on European Journal of Human Genetics website, Ansari Pour, N., Plaster, C. & Bradman, N. Evidence from Y-chromosome analysis for a late exclusively eastern expansion of the Bantu-speaking people. Haplogroup E-V38 - Wikipedia Cavalli-Sforza LL, Menozzi P, Piazza A : The History and Geography of Human Genes. There is clearly a radiation from the Greece (where E-V13 makes up approximately 30% of the paternal lineages) to the East Mediterranean (where the frequency drops to under 5%). Slider with three articles shown per slide. In 2002, the major research groups came together and formed the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC). These are the mutations, "M", or mutation 2 = M2. The basal E-U175* is extremely rare. We analyse frequencies of halpogroups and estimates of TMRCA to answer two questions: (a) Is there evidence of more than one expansion of paternal line ancestors of Bantu-speaking people living in present day sub-Saharan Africa? E-V13's presence in this culture would explain why modern Iranians and Kurds possess E-V13, in addition to R1a-Z93 and R1b-Z2103. Ethiopia/Sudan, and the Levant. They would have brought typically Germanic lineages like I1 and R1b-U106, but also the Proto-Slavic R1a-CTS1211, which is now found uniformly in 1 to 2% of the population. Group-based pharmacogenetic prediction: is it feasible and do current NHS England ethnic classifications provide appropriate data? Salas A, Richards M, Lareu MV et al. However, since G2a is the only lineage that was consistently found in all Neolithic sites tested to date in Europe, the absence of Neolithic G2a lineages from Scandinavia and the Baltic implies that no Neolithic lineage survives there, and consequently E-V13 does not date from the Neolithic in the region. It would be easy to assume that E-M81 colonised Northwest Africa during the Mesolithic or Neolithic period, then spread to southern and western Europe with the southern wave of Neolithic farmers that crossed over from Morocco to Iberia, then spread around western Europe with the Megalithic people. Haplotype diversity, h, and its SE were estimated from unbiased formulae of Nei41 and was performed using Arlequin software version 3.0.42 Average squared difference (ASD) in STR allele size between all chromosomes and the presumed ancestral haplotype (assumed to be the modal haplotype), averaged over loci, were estimated using YTIME software,43 and corresponding 95% confidence intervals were calculated as described in Thomas et al44 using the R environment of statistical computing (www.R-project.org). E-M2 is primarily distributed within sub-Saharan Africa. Luis JR, Rowold DJ, Regueiro M et al. Recently, Alves et al33 analysing a battery of 14 DIPSTRs (ie, deletion/insertion polymorphisms tightly linked to STRs) in 19 Bantu-speaking groups from Mozambique and Angola concluded that it is becoming increasingly difficult to accept models, suggesting an early split between eastern and western Bantu-speaking populations, whereas Montano et al34 analysing NRY UEPs and STRs in groups from Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon and Congo concluded that the evolutionary scenario is more complex than previously thought. L2 has five main subhaplogroups: L2a, L2b, L2c, L2d and L2e. In either case, it is likely that more M81 came into the Iberian peninsula during the Moorish period, when the Maghrebian Arabs conquered most of what is now Spain and Portugal, where they remained for over 700 years. Was E-V13 a major lineage of Hallstatt Celts and Italics? However, out of 69 Y-DNA samples tested from Neolithic Europe, only two belonged to that haplogroup: one E-M78 from the Sopot culture in Hungary (5000-4800 BCE), another E-M78 (c. 5000 BCE), possibly E-V13, from north-east Spain, and a E-L618 from Zemunica cave near Split in Croatia from 5500 BCE (Fernandes et al., 2016). Nowadays, the FGC18412 (aka Y5412) clade is the main variety of M123 found in Europe. Gurdeep Matharu Lall, Maarten H. D. Larmuseau, Mark A. Jobling, Sandra Oliveira, Alexander Hbner, Jorge Rocha, Daniel E. Platt, Hovig Artinian, Pierre Zalloua, Mugdha Singh, Anujit Sarkar & Madhusudan R. Nandineni, Hovhannes Sahakyan, Ashot Margaryan, Richard Villems, Enrico Macholdt, Leonardo Arias, Mark Stoneking, Kenneth K. Kidd, Baigalmaa Evsanaa, Andrew J. Pakstis, Veronika Csky, Dniel Gerber, Anna Szcsnyi-Nagy, European Journal of Human Genetics These 2 haplogroups cover ancient Israelites 31-07-17, 19:20 #11. Populations in Northwest Africa, central Eastern Africa and Madagascar have tested at more moderate frequencies. Haplogroup E-V68 - Wikipedia [25] Daba was of West African ancestry and carried haplogroups E1b1a-M4273 and L2c. (2016) tested the first ancient DNA samples from the Mesolithic Natufian culture in Israel, possibly the world's oldest sedentary community, and found that the male individuals belonged either to haplogroups CT or E1b1 (including two E1b1b1b2 samples). Rare deep-rooting Y chromosome lineages in humans: lessons for phylogeography. The EBSP impact on African demography has, over the past decade, also been studied by analysing paternal and maternal sex-specific genetic systems (non-recombining region of the Y chromosome (NRY) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)). But in any case E-V13 was definitely not the major Neolithic European lineage it was once alleged to be. The most prominent member is probably John C. Calhoun (17821850), who was the seventh Vice President of the United States. The haplogroup E1b1a-M2 (and its sub-lineages) is widely spread in Africa and highly prevalent in all Bantu sub-Saharan populations, with frequencies above 80% in most populations 39,40,46,47. The box identifies the E1b1a clade, exclusively observed in population groups with recent African ancestry. why EPF2431 is rare - eupedia.com (2007) suggests that E-M78, E1b1b predominant subclade in Egypt, originated in "Northeastern Africa", with a corridor for bidirectional migrations between northeastern and eastern Africa (at least 2 episodes between 23.9-17.3 ky and 18.0-5.9 ky ago), trans-Mediterranean migrations directly from northern Africa to Europe (mainly in Wairak people in Tanzania tested 4.6% (2/43) positive for E-M10. E1B1A must be the standard for determining whether or not a male is a descendant of the Biblical Israelites. The Dorians from Central Europe followed from c. 1200 BCE. Due to the scarcity of full genomic sequences available from the Balkans, it is not yet clear when E-V13 expanded in that region. Visual representation of the distribution of E1b1a component haplogroups in sub-Saharan African groups with sample totals. This led the authors to suggest that E-V38 may have originated in East Africa. These data are consistent with multiple expansion events southwards from West Africa. We thank all DNA donors and those assisting in sample collection and Professor Mark Thomas and Dr Krishna Veeramah for their support with typing and helpful comments and suggestions on the manuscript. (2002) states: "A possible explanation might be that haplotype 24 chromosomes [E-M2*] were already present across the Sudanese belt when the M191 mutation, which defines haplotype 22, arose in central western Africa. All samples (96-well plates) were then placed on a thermocycler under the following conditions: denaturation at 95C for 5min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation (95C) for 45s, annealing (see Supplementary Table S2 for annealing temperatures) for 45s and elongation (72C) for 45s. The final step of the PCR programme was a 7-min extension at 72C before a 30min hold at 4C. The first colonists were Phoenicians, who came from present-day Lebanon and the Tartus province of Syria. The eastern advance of the Corded Ware culture eventually gave rise to the Sintashta culture in the Ural region, which is the ancestral culture of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-Europeans.

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